Betsy Clark, Massachusetts – 2021
Betsy Clark hails from northeastern Massachusetts. After graduating from the University of Denver, Betsy spent her early years in education at Governor Dummer Academy coaching field hockey, volleyball and lacrosse. In 1985, Betsy traded in her clipboards and practice plans for “the whistle”. Officiating both field hockey and lacrosse from the youth level through collegiate level, she has also served the New England Women’s College Lacrosse Umpire’s Association in a variety of roles for the past 10 years. Her most recent role has been running clinics to encourage both adults and students to become lacrosse officials. She is proud of bringing 100 new officials into the ranks!
Betsy retired from her chosen vocation as a certified veterinarian technician in 2016 but continues her passion for developing new officials.
“ I have had both knees replaced (2002 and 2019) so that I can continue with my passion to officiate.”